[PoA] Important! Be sure to read!

Day 1,960, 11:11 Published in Austria Austria by Prince of Austria
ATAM - All Tigers Are Multies

Hello dear Austrian citizens.

Today I’m gonna talk about the multi PTO group that came in Austria some months ago. As most groups do, they first spoke of friendship. Some were open to listening to them because some Tigers were from Serbia - and we've had many good Serbian players here. Not to mention, eSerbia has been our ally since the beginning. But soon the Tiger's actions showed that they had their own agenda, with loyalty neither to eSerbia, or eAustria and came here to do harm. They began to move people here (from Croatia and elsewhere) in larger numbers. They used exploits to do that, and to win congress elections - and made larger and larger threats along the way. They used exploits to do that, and to win congress elections. I don’t want to mention how many of their citizens got banned, but I’m gonna give you a clear example. Something you don’t see every day. Because the man who did it is very stupid.. and I mean very! Who is stupid enough to name his multi similar to his original profile? I mean... WHAT ARE U DOING MAN?!

That shows the real intention of the Tigers. His multi accepted the original account, which came in Austria just for a few days, but then realized what kind of mistake he made, and got back his Serbian citizenship. That didn’t save him from ban, but it was just temporary (unfortunately).

This may shows the intention of the Tigers, but thats not all! They propose stupid laws. Attacking Slovakia, our true friends and fellow pro-TWO nation, over nothing! Because of them we have a war now, with our friends.. and we are losing. Which means that soon we'll have no regions. Because of who? TIGERS GO HOME!

Their stupidity has no limits. They want to hurt Austria, and they are very dangerous! Austrians, I urge that you join our parties, and try to sabotage the Tigers. Join ACP, OIP, ASM etc. Those parties are looking over Austria! They want to make it better.

Prince of Austria
Former president of Austria, Former party president of ACP, Congressman

Austria in my ♥