** NEW ** Official White House Press Release #37.2 7/31/2009 (Kansas Burns)

Day 618, 13:13 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

** Updated Day 619 02:00

Items To Be Covered

1. Recruiting Efforts

** 2. Battle Results

3. War Update

4. eUS Training Division

5. Other News

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Recruiting Efforts

At the time of this printing, eHungary (a PEACE GC nation) is the number 1 rated country in terms of experience and is rapidly closing on eUSA’s No. 1 rank in terms of population. You can see the current population rankings here.

With the new citizenship module in place, people in California are considered Indonesian, people in Georgia are considered Portuguese and the taking of states has decreased our population since the last population boom. Right now, eUSA needs YOU to spread the word about eRepublik and recruit people to our cause! The more people we have, the more gold that oppressors will have to spend to try to take our states because we will have higher “walls” built on the battlefields. As our population gains more battle experience, this will also eventually translate into more we can do to help our allies and to defend our lands from attack.

Now is the time for us to start our real life recruiting surge! Just as we read and vote on important articles in eUSA, we need YOU to do the same in the real life USA to advertise to the general population. To get involved in this effort, there has been a drive which is started NOW and we need your votes today! If you have not done so, all eUS citizens are encouraged to register for Digg, a real-life voting system that is similar to the one used in eRepublik. After you have registered, read and vote up this Digg article today! We need 1000 votes to get into the top 10, so your vote is important! Participation is free and the gold eRepublik awards for new citizen advancement who come on board through this ad campaign will go to bolster eUSA’s and eCanada’s military operations together with the baby boom that will result. For more information, read Sir Ekim’s articles about this topic.

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** Battle Results

** While we held Russia off in No Man's Land for most of the day, in the last half hour PEACE's tanks joined the fight and let loose on Kansas, decimating the wall before the close of the battle, conquering our last high grain region and destroying the Q5 hospital there.

South Carolina has been secured from attack by Portugal. We have also secured Wyoming from attack by Russia. New Mexico has been conquered by Indonesia.

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** War Update

After conquering New Mexico, Indonesia has gone on to attack Oklahoma. Although Portugal lost the battle in South Carolina, they used their base in Georgia to attack Kentucky before the South Carolina battle was over. In a similar move, before losing the battle in Wyoming, Russia has also launched an attack on Kansas.

** At this time, citizens are urged to defend Oklahoma. Because we have multiple battle fronts that must be coordinated, all military personnel are to follow orders given through their chain of command, which may be different from directives given to the general public.

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eUS Training Division

Would you like to contribute to the war effort? Would you like to learn more about how to play eRepublik? If you are not currently part of the eUS Military and you want to learn and do more to defend North America, then consider joining the military by enlisting in the eUnited States Training Division (TD). Once you’ve graduated the TD, you should have enough knowledge to go in almost any direction you want in eRepublik. If you want to further your military career, you can move on to the Home Guard or other military divisions and will be able to request free weapons to repel the invaders and increase your rank in the military more quickly. We need your help and so do our allies! Make your mark on the eWorld today and enlist in the eUnited States Training Division today, the best eRepublik training program in the world!

The war has led to a spike in applications to the TD, so you may not get an immediate response because many people are applying. Citizens are asked to remain patient for assignment to a platoon leader as soon as logistically possible.

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Other News

As other important information our citizens need to know becomes available, it will be updated in this issue of The Briefing Room or, if this becomes available at a later time, a new issue will be released to keep our citizens informed. Citizens are urged to stay up-to-date with the release of information as soon as it is made available.

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On behalf of the eWhite House, I thank you for reading and taking the time to keep up with current events. Please subscribe to "The Briefing Room" to ensure you are always up to date with the happenings of eGovernment, the eWhite House and important informational updates.

Remember to vote this up so the public will have access to updates as soon as they are available. Have fun and enjoy another day in eRepublik!

~mjdiv, White House Press Secretary