[NEW] Craigslist of Erepublik

Day 1,881, 18:42 Published in USA USA by Mike Ontry

Have you ever paid the high prices that the Voters Club charges?

Do you wish there was some way to cut out the middleman and name your own price?

This is now possible with the NEW Erepublik Jobs website!

It's a lot like a Craigslist of Erepublik! It provides a SIMPLE platform to run your own votes or subscriptions campaigns where YOU set the price!

It's also possible to post other types of help wanted ads!
 * Maybe you need someone to design a logo or an avatar or write a script?
 * Maybe you need to buy damage for a battle?
 * Maybe you are a part of leadership for your party or government and need to pay people to do a certain task?
 * Perhaps you have particular skills or experience and are looking for work?

List of Features:
 * No need to sign up or make an account!
 * NO EMAILS! Uses in game PMs!
 * FREE to use!
 * Make money daily!
 * Run your own job and set your own price!
 * The website provides you an on demand list of your applicants.
 * Job poster's identities are verified!
 * Site staff has the ability to BAN malicious users by IP address AND profile link!

Please watch this video for a quick run through on how to post and run a job and also how to apply for one. Make sure and watch in 1080p for the best picture!

We would really like to see this site take off! We believe the site provides an easy to use platform that's just waiting to be used! The only way it will work though is if a lot of people know about it!

If you would like to help spread the word by republishing this article in your own newspaper please apply to THIS JOB and include a link to the article! If you meet the requirements you will be paid promptly!

We hope you enjoy using the site and are able to make a little extra money!

Thank you from the Erepublik Jobs Staff:

Mike Ontry
Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard/Josh Whitehead


Craigslist of Erepublik

Erepublik Tools and Tuts
Erepublik Jobs