[MoHA] Media Mogul Project - PART2

Day 2,038, 06:56 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

Dear eBelgians,
Since your Minister of Home Affairs had really busy agenda in the past week, the second part of our Media Mogul Project is late. I don't want to bother you with more words, you know what to do - it is described with only one word - SUBSCRIBE!

[NOTE: It is not that difficult as it looks like - a little help so you can do the job easier: follow these steps:
1. Hold CTRL (or Cmd - for Mac users) button and click on the first 10 newspapers on this list (each one will open in different tab of your browser)
2. Open the last tab opened in your browser
3. Click on SUBSCRIBE, and if there is no CAPTCHA CHALLENGE
4. Press and hold CTRL (or Cmd - for Mac users) button and then press "W" button (the tab will close, and another newspaper will show up)
5. Repeat the procedures 3. and 4. until these article shows up, then
6. Repeat the procedures 1. - 5. with the next 10 articles


31. Love is the key - Beaverss Tribute to Raskol (375)
32. eThugs - Saad Haythem (2)
33. Frituur News - Criocaps (1)
34. The Yeller - thrasos1996 (209)
35. The London Gazette - Veruvia (249)
36. Belgisch/belge gazet - ikikere (109)
37. Belgian United Party - vdsy (6)
38. Rambling Passive Observer - Medrolke (27)
39. OP Waffles - Capitanul CZC (552)
40. The Furious - dardew (14)

41. Headhunter Chronicle - Vincent Pain (234)
42. The Flying Reporter - Manneken Piss (92)
43. belang van belgie - David Cnudde (12)
44. Le Journal du PANDA - G.W.JUNIOR (187)
45. Sport online - vladut georgel (2)
46. Color Belgium Red - Boris The Communist (7)
47. bash the rich - lin0leum (46)
48. Sport TIP - Lioncoeur (22)
49. Donkey`s Business - donkey Pedro (2😎
50. Het Belang van Belgie - xironn (20)

51. Small intelligence - wolf-stone (12)
52. Brussels Tribune - Wektras (2)
53. Babyboom Diary - SwaqqCoryn (60)
54. warfighters - hierro12 (2)
55. This is eBelgian - tommot (753)
56. Belgian Encyclopedia - Belgium Incorporated (120)
57. Citizen Defence Orders - eBelgium Military (339)
58. The eBelgian Congress - citizen info (12😎
59. eBE MoF News and Reports - NBB-BNB (129)
60. Belgium info - Belgium info (484)

Done? Wondering why your newspaper is not on this list? Then you...
1. ...check if it is in the first part of this project - CLICK HERE. If it is not, you...
2. ...aren't eBelgian. If you are, then...
3. ...you are not part of any eBelgian Military Unit. If you are, then...
4. ...you were dead few days ago. If you have never been dead, then...
5. ...you already have Media Mogul medal. If you don't have one, then...
6. ...you don't own newspaper. If you do, then...
7. ...I must have forgotten you. 😃 All you need to do, is tell me in the comment bellow, and I will put you in the 3rd part of this project!

Since there were not enough eBelgians that meet all of the conditions to enter this project, last 5 newspapers in this list are the National Organizations Newspapers.

Hope that every one newspaper will get at least 50 new subscriptions. Good luck, and don't forget to shout:

[MoHA] Media Mogul Project - PART2


Minister of Home Affairs