[MOFA] Overview of Alliances - Asteria

Day 2,308, 03:40 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Buitenlandse Za

The Creation of the Asteria Alliance

After the TWO Alliance came to an end, six eNations came together to form the alliance known as Asteria. It was founded officially on day 2275, making the alliance about a month old as of today. According to the charter of the Asteria Alliance they formed Asteria, “Following the principles of friendship, brotherhood and moral values that are in the fabric of our nations, we form the ASTERIA which will be the foundation of future cooperation among our great nations.”

The founding members of the alliance are: eSerbia, eSlovenia, eHungary, eRomania, eGreece, and eArgentina. Then, on day 2296 of the New World which was a week or so ago, eChina officially joined Asteria bringing the total number of “full” members to seven. According to Asteria’s Charter, there are three separate membership statuses in Asteria. Firstly, full membership status. According to the Asteria Charter, “Full membership within the Alliance can be obtained by unanimous vote of full member countries and with accepting of all the rules, principles and documents that Alliance has adopted.” These countries have power to participate in all activities and decision making of the alliance.

The other two membership statuses are Group of Associate Member Countries (GAMC) and Partner countries. Partner countries are countries that receive protection from Asteria but they have no vote and no right to have members in the Headquarters. Below I will discuss the GAMC of Asteria, known officially as LETO.

The Creation of LETO

LETO was founded on day 2289 of the New World. It is the subsidiary organisation of the Asteria alliance and was founded by the eNations of eBelarus, eColombia, ePortugal, eIsrael, eRepublic of China (Taiwan), and eRepublic of Moldova. Then, on day 2299 eCanada and eFrance officially joined LETO bringing the total members of LETO to eight eNations.

LETO is an organization subsidiary of the Asteria Alliance and its performance is regulated by the basis set out in the 4th Article of Asteria Charter, in that LETO is named as Group of Associated Member Countries (GAMC). According to the Asteria Charter, “Associate membership within the Alliance can be obtained only by 100% of the votes of full member countries. Removal of the Associate member country can be done by ⅔ (66😵 of the Full member votes including LETO vote.” It continues saying, “LETO has the same status as Full Member country in the Alliance, except the right of admitting and removing full member countries and the right to be chosen in the position within the Headquarters.”

Alliance Leadership

The Secretary General Mircea Drac of eSerbia
Deputy Secretary General Soy Malvinas of eArgentina
Assistant Secretary General elbandido of eSerbia
High Military RepresentativeDidei of eChina
Deputy High Military Representative paprika.jancsi of eHungary
High Political Representative Bogohulja
High Political Representative FlorenciaC of eArgentina
Deputy High Political Representative SmoothZiga of eSlovenia
Public Relationships SPQN of eFrance

Further Information

The official newspaper of the Asteria Alliance, called Voice of Asteria, can be found here with any news regarding the alliance. You can also find some other pertinent information at Asteria’s wikipage which can be located here.

Country President,
Aries Prime

Minsters of Foreign Affairs,
Arcanic Mindje

State Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
Willem The Conqueror

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