[MoFA] New commitments, new challenges...

Day 2,213, 11:56 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Buitenlandse Za

Greetings, dear citizens and friends of the Netherlands!

At the beginning, I would like to thank the citizens of the Netherlands for giving this Government the opportunity to lead the country into the current mandate. The Government cabinet for the month of December is:

CP: M. de Ruyter
vCP: Thanatos the Magnificent

Minster of Defence: Trannsvaal
State Secretaries: Thanatos the Magnificent, theabsolutemonarch, Nakbula

Minster of Foreign Affairs: Giovanni 00
State Secretaries: Jasper Zuidema, Piet Heyn, LeoOoNidaSBiH, WhiteTemplar

Minister of Finance: Weekstrom
State Secretary: nictefa

Minister of Home Affairs: 071Leiden
State Secretary: Fosite

Minister of Coaching: frederik hendrik
State Secretary: Zeeuwsmeisje

Dutch government will be using IRC channel: ]#eNederland for diplomatic affairs and communication.

All citizens of the Netherlands, friends and foreign diplomats and representatives are invited to the government channel.

Ensuring peace...

First task of the MoFA team was to ensure peace and stability of the Netherlands in upcoming period. The Government's attitude is that we should keep regions in North America and Europe as well, if possible.

Due to the fact that Poland is still too strong and requires oil from the Dutch core region, as with the knowledge and confirmation by Germany that they have signed an agreement with Poland, we contacted the Polish president.
In a very short time the agreement was reached based on the sketch prepared by the last president MaartenW, with the addition of point 8 that guarantees the Netherlands two regions at all times.
The agreement, which has already been accepted by the Poles, now waiting for confirmation of the Dutch Congress and will be published immediately after the positive decision of the Congress, which the government expects.

Restoration of friendships...

Friendships saved Netherlands in the toughest moments. True friends are always there and friendship should never be forgotten, regardless of the current difficulties and problems.

The second and permanent task of the team is to strengthen and maintain relations with friendly countries. On the first working day of the new government, we sent messages to the presidents of friendly countries, and have done many talks.

I am proud to say that our great ally, China promised to help in preserving our Canadian regions. Our friendships with Norway, Canada, Ireland, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France are and should be very strong.

MoFA team will be constantly present at the diplomatic channels of friendly countries, and will maintain and strengthen friendly relations, on behalf of the Netherlands and its citizens.

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”

Mutual Protection Pacts

At this moment, Netherlands has MPPs with just 2 countries: Albania and Japan.

MPP with our good friends Albania is important and we will keep fighting for them against their enemies. MPP with Japan this Government consider as unnecessary spending of money and it will not be extended.

Since our limited budget doesn’t allow us to sign many MPPs, to ensure our country needed Daily orders and fights, every citizen of Netherlands in invited to buy cc from Economische zak org.

Current situation and the future

One alliance rules the world and most of the resources, TWO. But, in the last months, the ties between the countries in that alliance are breaking apart. Spain and Poland are in diplomatic war with Serbia which is triggered by Spoland-USA NAP, Hungary is on the verge of crashing famous "SerHun brotherhood" due to newly formed friendship between Serbia and Romania, Slovenia is supporting Serbia despite all... In the following months, the future of the entire eworld could change. TWO could split into two or even three sides. To understand the current geopolitical situation, please read the following articles:

eCroatian MoFA report

eIrish MoFA article

Former dSG of TWO article

The world could change a lot and the Netherlands needs to be ready for these changes, to ensure our place in the new world.

In these hard times we need to keep all of our options open, to maintain regular correspondence with our allies and friends and be ready for the new challenges.

Giovanni 00,
Minister of Foreign Affairs

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