[MoFA] Christmasnews + Why is eDenmark targeted by PTOers?

Day 2,228, 05:54 Published in Denmark Denmark by Zacharia Raven

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

As most of us are slowly returning home from family christmases and getting ready to celebrate the New Year, there are some interesting events in eRepublik, too. In this article we'll briefly go through eUK treasury theft, and some military events. Don't forget to congratulate Gucio16 for his Titan rank! At the end of the article I've added a section about the PTO's and why I think eDenmark is always targeted by it.

There is also interesting "competition" going on, that you might want to check out.

Kristian Klausen will be running for next President of eDenmark. More info from here.

eDenmark hibernates

We start with Germark news. In order to prevent a PTO, Germark decided that its better for eDenmark to hibernate this month. This meant eGermany invading eDenmark. This succeeded nicely. Thanks to all who participated.

eUK Treasury has been stolen

The President of eUK has stolen the national funds. Official sources report that this will impact whole country severly. The impeach however, failed, so they won't be able to start recovering in 7 days. Theft apparently also means that eUK won't attack eFinland.

Asgard war

Asgard is still fighting several enemies. With eUK probably slowing down after theft, and eCanada airstriking eEstonia, Asgard could be getting an upper hand. Currently eCanada is losing in Keski-Eesti, eSweden is losing in Vidzeme, and eEstonia is attacking Southern Finland.

Political Takeovers and Why eDenmark is targeted by them?

Why didn't we get congress this month? Why is there some portugese article threatening us with 100 foreigners? In this section I try to explain how Political Takeover groups act, and how to repel them.

First step to decide a victim for a political takeover is to find a country that seems weak enough to resist one. Groups look at past elections and how many votes have been given. They calculate how many multies and legit players they need, and then start the creation of multies, and asking for CS's.

On the paper eDenmark seems very attractive for PTO: congress with less than 20 votes, and CP less than 40 votes!

The next step is to "mingle in". One way is to try a takeover within existing parties. If that fails, these groups form own party, and get all the mass in one party. In case of congress, this group would have the majority.

Being the biggest congressional party is important, because congressmen hold the citizenship passes. With passes they can bring more legit players, who will not be banned as multies, to sustain the majority of congress and to vote correctly in CP

Last step is causing division within the country. This is simply stating government is corrupt, or demanding "freedom". In our case this also means threatening the country with 100 "friends" of the cause. In my opinion it is funny to demand eDanish democracy with 100 non-danes, who speak portugese. But as one can figure out, this is all part of the plan, and the less you pay attention to them, the better. Our current PTOers are lower quality than most, since they require you to use google translate to be able to understand their propaganda.

Why is eDenmark not PTOed already?

eDenmark has very strict immigration policy. We do not give CS passes to just anyone. Like me, we are all known respectable friends of danes, who have nothing to win in a PTO.

Germark and eDenmark act swiftly when a PTO is imminent. We give our region to eGermany, and they get 0 passes. CP elections will be tough battle, but we will survive by voting a legit candidate, like Kristian Klausen.

Why eDenmark will not be PTOed?

They think we are weak. They think we are stupid. They think they can march in and steal our treasury. They are wrong. eDenmark and Germark have fend off these kinds of attacks for years. We will stand united in all elections, and avoid congress elections until threat is gone. Danish citizens will receive their tanks and COs normally, as well as other benefits. Your money nor tanks will not go to the pockets of portugese speakers.

Biggest weakness of our current PTOers is, their lack of understanding of Germark. They claim to be freeing eDenmark, when its beneficial deal for both. Our average salary also tells you, that real danes get sufficent economic support from the government.

In short, eDenmark will prevail!

Thank you for reading!