[MOE] Logo Contest Winner

Day 2,155, 06:09 Published in India Bosnia and Herzegovina by Vishroid

Hey friends,

This article, as the name suggests, is for declaring the winners of the [MOE] Logo Contest.

Our Minister Of Education, Reborn From The Ashes has chosen these three entries as the top 3.

1. vinayak.s009-http://prntscr.com/1wven2

2. Isengard13-http://prntscr.com/1vzq9s

3. Sam Thakur-http://prntscr.com/1w6rww

Congratulations to all the three winners.
Our MOE will transfer the weapons to the winners ASAP.

I am shocked to see such a small number of entries. maybe this is due to the small amount of prizes.

So I request players to donate the food and weapons to us, which could be given as prizes.

I request to Real Steel 3 to contact Department Of Education for donation of some of the extra food to the DOE, so that it may be used as prize.
You can contact me for this purpose, but do it after 19 OCT, as till then i'm inactive.

I'm writing this article in hurry as I have to catch a bus for my rip to Manali.

See you guys after 19 Oct, till then enjoy and keep poking the our enemies.