[MoD] Swiss Resistant Hero Academy

Day 3,791, 03:28 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Defence

Dear Swiss citizens

We are happy to announce a whole new project for the Swiss Resistant Hero Academy, our new National Military Unit.
The situation is very new, so please be kind with us for the first days because we are launching a new idea that we hope will be successful.

For the first time in Swiss History, we are going to create a national strong military unit, which is subsidized by it's profits. But how can we achieve that? Well, the role of the Academy is to fight for Avio Battles and of course, support successful Resistant Wars in order to make profit.

The rules are quite simple:
We are going to operate the Resistant Hero Squad inside the Unit and fund all of our donations from the profit we had made. Every Academy member will receive everyday a message with potential successful Resistant Wars and according to his needs or schedule, he will support a war.
After a successful outcome of the war, the Academy soldier will send to Iviz Fer 1,000 CC and he will keep the other for the next RW.
At the end of the week, the Commander of the Unit and the Country President will calculate the results and make donations in food or weapons to every active citizen of the week.

As for the details, every newly elected Country President has to appoint the Commander of the Unit and he, will make a choice for the second in command.
But, it is mandatory for the Minister of Defense to be member of the Academy even for one month (this is in case the appointed Commander is member of another Military Unit) and to hold a potition in the Unit in order to monitor the precedures.

For this month, our elected President asked me to continue as Commander of the Academy and as his MoD. I had talks with the current Second Commander N.J Spykman and our willingness is to continue on his potition. If the CP chose another fellow Swiss citizen as commander or second, it would be compalsory for me as MoD to serve as second in command.

We hope that the whole Swiss community will embrace our new project! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate asking in the comments below.

Thank you for your attention

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For the Ministry of Defense
The Minister