[MoD] Daily Orders - Day 3,664 - 09:13 eRep Time

Day 3,664, 09:42 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Defence

Dear Swiss Citizens,

This month we are starting with regular Daily Orders and coordinated military operations. Everything will be organized and will be planed by the HQ of Ministry of Defense.

In the HQ of Ministry of Defense the Country President, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of the Defense, Deputy Minister of Defense, Swiss Guard Commander, Swiss Guard Captain, Swiss Air Force Commander, Swiss Air Force Captain will take part and take care of our Military Defense and operations.

For the first operation we are going to need our bombs. So all you need to do is to save the bombs that we get from the 10th Anniversary and wait the orders for the coordinated strike. We are going to use them to help our Allies in there Military Operations.

We have plenty of time so please be patient. The "Father of Bombs" expire on 3.962 eRepubluik day and the "Cruise Missile" expire 3.961.

Avio's player giveaway

Swiss government has created a plan to give food to players that participate in air battles in order to improve our air force. Every new player should participate in order to increase his air rank without expending so much cc.

If you want to participate, you just have to enter our national MU for air fighters: https://www.erepublik.com/es/military/military-unit/1346/overview

Yesterday players has received their first giveaway.

Daily Orders:

Hit for Resistance Force of Israel and help them to control the Training War!

Hit for Romania if they are losing in the battle and turn the wall!

Noah Ackermann
Switzerland's Minister of Defense