(Insert Foot, HERE.) :

Day 1,892, 21:24 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

(All is fair, at love and war.)

(Notes from the Editor; Ghost of Tom Joad)

After winning the party primaries 4 to 3, over Hampton H. Hampton. I've been given the Nomination of the Socialist Freedom Party. Sorry to say, "The primary wasn't good, for much, other than wasted campaigns."
It seems, that anyone can go for the Congressional Position.
Congratulations, to Phoenix Quinn. He is the only Socialist Freedom Party, candidate with a decent chance, in the election.

I was lead astray by We The People Partie's, Puppet Masters. The application process, about which I was told, was not the criteria used to select the nominees.
Firstly: I was told that a Platform was mandatory. However, many candidates don't have one.
(It turned out, "Having been, in congress for a thousand years." is part of the selection process.)
Secondly: I wasn't informed that the election would take place, "On the forum."
A. I don't have any influence, on the forum. I have only +2 karma, (Although, bad karma, is on the way.)
B. I'm against Forum elections. (Only eRep. Labs, should judge the elections.)


I contracted an add-ware, virus, while on IRC #voting. I had to uninstall my browser, because it was imposable, to use.
(My advice,) If You get a security, notification, the answer should be, "No". Do not leave eRepublik, if it's not needed. (One more reason, to avoid the meta-game.) Don't get caught, "In the moment."

(Tanks for Tots)

The rules will be changing, soon. But, first, I have over 100 Q7 tanks, to give out.

Here is what you will need to apply for 10 Q7 tanks;

#1. You must be level 29 or under.

#2. Your top damage, in a campaign, must be for the eU.S.

#3. Introduce yourself, in the comments box. If you qualify, tanks will arrive shortly.

(Government Cheese)

Here, is what you need, to apply for 1000 units of cheese. (Food Quality May Vary.)

#1.You need to be level 29 or under.

#2. You must be an eU.S. citizen.

#3. Introduce yourself, in the comments box. If you qualify, the food will arrive shortly.

Grab a pen. Help the eUS write the People's History.

And now, a few shameless, endorsements:

The Bear Cavalry Official Militia, of the Socialist Freedom Party

(American Libertad, Militia.) D@mn, the man? That's why.

Join the Socialist Freedom Party. (Stop the next PTO.)

Vote and subscribe.
Same Time. Same Channel.

I was told, "I don't pass the back-ground check."
I told them, "Get rid of the people, in the back-ground."