Happy Hols- No MEK Interview!

Day 2,953, 14:58 Published in Slovenia Australia by JackTrout

Well, I don’t really have a MEK interview ready to publish. And I thought it would be a bit of a wank to interview myself. So, holidays are here for much of the real world- fun and/or stressful, depending on your situation- so I thought I would share a couple of things with you that I think are both stupid and funny.

The first is just a little personal joke which I am unable to get out of my head. Many years ago, I had a friend in Maine with an uncle named Milton, who my friend referred to as Uncle Miltie (who, just incidentally, was a funny guy who could seriously hold his liquor- and did).

As you may know, “milt” in a scientific sense is the name of the cloud of sperm that male fishes deposit over the eggs the female fishes have laid. So I cannot help myself (sorry, Milt, wherever you are), every time I think of my friend I also think of his Uncle Fish Spermie.

Now on to a “real” joke about Christmas…

Santa was having a really bad day- half the elves were out sick, and he was behind on his toy production targets. Most of the female reindeers were preggers, and half of the male reindeers had broken out of the paddock and were all over the place.

He tried to do a test run with the sleigh, but a runner broke and toys scattered all over the snow.

“Bugger this!” Santa growled. “I’m having myself a rum and lemonade.”

He went to the liquor cabinet, but the rum was all gone (hence why the elves were out sick). He grabbed the lemonade, but it slipped out of his hand and broke all over the floor.

At that very moment, an angel knocked on his door.

“Santa,” the angel said in a musical voice, “I have the most beautiful Christmas tree for you! Where would you like me to put it?”

And that, my friends, is where we get the tradition of the angel on top of the Christmas tree.

Hope you had a smile! And I hope you all have the greatest holidays ever, whatever they are and wherever you are. 🙂

And not to worry- MEK interviews will resume in the coming Happy New Year!

Cheers mates!