[eSAAF] Special Missions United Team

Day 2,120, 09:20 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

Welcome to the unofficial eSAAF Unit, S.M.U.T.

Many of you have proudly joined your national military, NOW it is your chance to help them even more. (Unofficially)

I come to you for help.

This is an organization that has been working outside the government, mostly in secret for years. Now we need the next generation of anonymous men to step forth.

Anonymous you may be, but the rewards will come heavily for the Best of the Best.

In order to join SMUT you must be in eSAAF, and an active fighter. Pay attention to these articles and your missions will pop up.

PM me if you are interested in joining.

TL😉R - I'm doing my own missions again:

See: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/mission-1-dignity-brigade--2145662/1/20
an😛 http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/mission-1-results-dignity-brigade--2147863/1/20

I can't do it with the WHOLE of eSAAF but I can manage those who want to

Anyone in eSAAF is welcome. Please join!
Claudio Kilgannon