[dMOE]-Donations required

Day 2,258, 10:13 Published in India Bosnia and Herzegovina by Vishroid

Hello all,

This is article written from the perspective of dMOE.

I'm going to organise a competition(ONLY for eIndians), through Department Of Education, which will be based on the rankings of Guerilla Warfare, during whole next week.
My main motive for this contest is to help the D1 players to deal damage without gaining experience points.
I feel that this competition should be held during every term which will help make an educated and strong eIndian.

For the above stated purpose we are in dire requirement of sponsors.
Gold & Weps donations are welcomed, preferably Q7 weps.
If you want to donate food or money then please feel free to PM me.

Don't donate now, the prizes are announced. Save your resources and sponsor my next contest.)

I will officially start the contest once I receive some donation.
Till then from my side I'll provide 15 Q7.
Our very, own Minister Of Education, RFTA has sponsored 20 Q7 from his side.
So in total we have 35 Q7s to be won by Top 3.
Plus I'll also provide 1 Q7 to top 20 players additionally, given that they have at least 1 win.

I'll also give 1 q7 to all D1 players who win minimum of 1 GF.

Please write down your donations in comments(If you do), and i'll verify it.
And V+S for more participation., for better eIndia.


Visit the article below for contest details.