[Day 2] Possible enemies or friends?

Day 1,612, 11:39 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

Zianni Vaatez Journal Day 2:

Today, our glorious colony has held it’s first meeting. I’m proud to say that we’ve selected the name, “Craftanada” as our official name. Thanks to the help of many colonists we’ve been able to carefully select important issues and prioritize them correctly. Which is why we’ll be building a farm today, unfortunately this requires a lot of resources we don’t have. Fences will be needed as well as gates, torches, and many other materials we simply don’t have time to collect. The issue will most likely be improvised until we have a source of food. Pork isn’t exactly a favored meal among our religious folks.

Now that that’s over, we’ll be sending KronosQ, Ardikus V2, and our new elected leader Adam Sutler on a scavenging mission. It’s not really a scavenging mission; they’ll be looking around chopping wood, and a little bit of reconnaissance. No worry there, Adam Sutler is a capable leader, and I’m happy he was elected. Huh, elections already. This must be a sign of our rapid growth of civilization or the need for law. Anyways, it’s a sign of moving forward.

Additionally, to make sure everyone has an equal share of work I’ll be listing the work orders here.

Men on Farm Project:
Chewytaz (We’re worried about his need to burn other villages down so we put him with other men to watch him)
Pants Magee

At this time, in case the years pass I’d like to thank every single one of the colonists for their dedication and hard work.

Long live Craftanada!

Zianni Vaatez


First thing after the Town Meeting we sent our "Scavenging team" to gather more resources while we worked on the Farm Project. Half way through the construction we realized two of our mistakes. It's too close to the wall and there wasn't enough water. We had pump some of our cleaning water from the small pond into the farm VIA an irrigation path underneath the fences. Our water sources are dwindling but we'll talk about that later when the scavenging team returns.

After a while we finished our work and decided to spend the rest of the day playing around.


Scavenging team findings led by Adam Sutler, Colony leader with captions.

After leaving the safety of our numbers we hiked up the small pit we live in and started our scavenging mission. In fact, I think we chose the worst possible spot to begin our colony. In the horizon we identified another village or town of sorts. We decided to check it out later.

On the other side of our home is a small-passage like hole. Additionally, another source of water was found.

Outside the hole we identified (You don't say?) a forest as well as many animals. Is this proof of others living here or is this land just unspoiled by civilization?

We decided to back-track a little and much to our surprise we found a little escape route/cave. There's a possibility of coal or we can furnish it and close off the other end for a weather-safe house.

Next to our home is another small cave where we lost Sarah yesterday, we haven't found her since.

After a while we discovered we were kind of just procrastinating our work and decided to check out the town we saw earlier. Also, we'll bring up the matter of stealing their wheat if needed.

It seems that this town is in fact a ghost town. Although that seems jolly, we need to think about what caused this town to become a ghost town. It's much more fortified than our own home so we'll need to look for evidence tomorrow.

We found a shrine for god knows what but there's a floating book inside it.

KronosQ warned us not to go inside in case of a trap, we listened.

Finally! We found a sort of diamond-mine but it seems to be a game of sorts. KronosQ once again warned us of a trap. We'll decide what to do about the shrine and mine during the next town meeting.

We decided to return home due to the time.

We returned home just in time to escape the marauders of the night. The town would be happy to see us hopefully, other than blaming us for forgetting to scavenge for resources.

The cave where Sarah disappeared, it seems pigs like it.

Town Meeting:
[Tales of the recon finished]

Adam Sutler: Anyways, now that we're finished with our stories about our recon mission I'd like to hear about the farm is it operational?

Rolo: We finished it with some time to spare.

Killer2001: Yeah, thankfully Rolo knew how to make Fences.

Plugson: I still insist we could have improvised, saved time, and resources. We still aren't bringing in enough resources to continue at this rate.

Adam Sutler: That brings up another point, we need resources. Unfortunately, due to all the recon we neglected to gather any resources. Sorry.

Zianni: I suggest we vote once again for todays/tomorrows course of action. We've finished our farm which isn't exactly fully operational like they say, we don't have enough seeds to plant the entire area, and the threat of outsiders is increasing. Also we need to talk about the diamond mine and shrine. Is it a trap or is it true?

Ishaba😛 I think we should gather more lumber and build more homes. It isn't exactly comfortable inside this one house. Especially with Zianni stringing all over the place...

Rolo: Or perhaps we could go gather the wheat from that town and start a caravan for trading? If there's one village how many others could there be? For all we know there might be a UK/EPC encampment out there.

Decisions of Craftanada,

Course of action:
Investigate Shrine/Mine: [Yes/No]
More recon: [Yes/No]
Diplomatic Envoy to whoever:
What ever you think should be done:

It's hard choosing a type of writing for this type of thing. Is this all right or should I just change to third-person format and make it a gigantic story of sorts. -facepalm-