[CP Elections] Zacharia Raven for President!

Day 2,387, 08:48 Published in Denmark Denmark by Zacharia Raven

Dear fellow eDanes!

Time for setting the candidates is now over, and I am deeply honored to say, that I am still running for the presidency of eDenmark. In my previous article I gave an introduction of myself. This article is more about the elections. I want already at this point to thank all the people and party leaders who have expressed their support to me, and especially to those who have agreed to be in my government!

My goals

My main goal for the next month is with all active members of eDenmark to prevent being PTO'ed. We continue our eternal fight against hostiles in all upcoming elections, and this dictates our national-level military strategy.

My secondary goal for the term is to further strengthen the communication inside Germark. We have come a good road, but there still is space for improvements! I have experience about improving the communication between alliance-members from Asgard, and I am confident that Germark can improve, too. In practice this means encouraging more IRC-participation and discussing other possible means of communication, too.

In-game communication is important. It is crucial that the normal people of eDenmark are aware about what is happening inside Germark and eDenmark, but also in the eWorld. Government will supply the necessary articles, but I will seek possibilities of supporting the Citizens of eDenmark to participate also.

Realistic targets - foundation of a good term


The economy of eDenmark will be mostly in the hands of Maine Coon, Bubbi and Sasori. We will most likely continue using CO's and Tank For Danes - project if and when there are battles worth them. I don't plan on wasting money, but I do understand that even in "meaningless" battles it is sometimes useful to support the citizens - to make us stronger.


Military-wise eDenmark will make decision of amount of regions, and then we will either win or lose an amount of them, depending on various matters of which the most important is the threat-level of PTO. There is of course a chance of participating foreign military operations, or facing an invading force. What ever comes, I will be there with Maine Coon, n0s3 and Ushlau - the people who have been doing it before.


Kristian Klausen will continue his superior work in coordinating the elections. His Grand Show will once again be the Congress elections, where we will again need activity and interaction from the Party Leaders. At this moment the threat is low, but we can't let our guard down.

Foreign affairs

Foreign affairs will be under me, of course, and ilphen and Libertas. This team will be able to provide news from the world, and maybe some own analyses too. Alliances are living in constant changes, and my wish is that we manage to keep eDanes up to speed.


As we all know, eDenmark relies on all actives. My good friend None will (be forced to) help Maine Coon, me and Bubbi with the economics, military planning and so forth. NeueN will also be there as my advisor in all matters, and Cemba will hopefully keep publishing the jokes. Gucio is the official cherry on top of the cake, who makes it perfect.

The Team of eDenmark

If you believe in me, remember to cast your vote on the 5th. Let's have fun and keep eDenmark safe!

Thank you.