[CP Elections] Z.Raven - Introduction

Day 2,380, 10:00 Published in Denmark Denmark by Zacharia Raven

Dear Citizens of eDenmark.

I would like to officially declare my intentions for becoming the President of eDenmark for the next month. Currently I am the candidate of Danish Royal Party.

In this article I will tell you something about me, and my reasons for running the CP. If I am allowed stay as a candidate - as I truly wish from the bottom of my heart - I will in later articles tell about my government and plans - this article aims at making me more known to the common Dane.

Zacharia Raven

I have written about myself a few times. First time was when I came to eDenmark and the second time in the first part of my on-going series about different gaming styles.

I am '87 MBA student (last year starts after summer) from Finland. I started eRepublik in 2009 but actually in 2010. I started playing in eFinland when the community created certain elements that I found interesting. Later those elements proved to fit the community badly, and I found myself interested in foreign politics. I reached my first dream in 2012 when I was elected as the president of eFinland. The term was really hectic, as eFinland decided to leave EDEN, and I found myself co-founding the Asgard. I had voiced by opinion of not leaving EDEN just for fun and gaems, and I even recruited players like avec to my help. We failed in prevention, but afterwards we were there to make Asgard as functional as possible. Today Asgard is the longest-living alive alliance in eRepublik - so something must have been done correctly.

I learned a lot about myself and about being a President from my term. Like many first timers, I had too ambitious dreams and I was way too optimistic about many things. In my opinion it is not a shame to admit this, because it made me so much wiser - and ready for second term.

I have also commanded Asgard as it's Supreme Commander twice. These terms further gave me a lot experience about international level politics, as I had to work with 3-4 Country Presidents, and learn to make compromises between very different ideas - and to make them work.

While working in Asgard HQ I was honored to have a chance to work with Maine Coon, our beloved Queen. Even the short period of time we spent working together was enough to make me curious about eDenmark. Feeling fed up with the attitude in eFinland I found that I saw MC's way of playing fitting mine perfectly. We talked a little bit, and eventually I expressed my interest in joining the forces of eDenmark. This didn't happen quickly, though, as eDenmark was not able to get a congress and I was obliged to help my dear friend None as vCP after he became the president due to an impeachment for a treasury-thief.

Finally after many months of waiting, I received my citizenship. I have pledged Maine Coon my eternal loyalty towards eDenmark, and during these 21 weeks I have served several presidents to the best of my abilities and available time.

I helped to plan Tank for Danes - program which has survived well. I have also worked as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and published for example an Alliance Report.

Summer is currently the optimal time for me to act as a president. I will be working, but it leaves me unoccupied after 4 pm. If necessary, I am able to start attacks or propose NE's even during the day, so eDenmark will never be without CP tools.

Furthermore, I will need all the distraction possible, due some personal issues happening at the end of May - in the coming Saturday to be exact. This means that my devotion for eDenmark will be legendary.

To spoil future articles a little bit, I do not plan on major changes in governing. I will trust in the firm and solid foundation we have with our trusted members, and the most important positions are already filled, should I be elected.

I know I will have great opponents running with me. This might be my first time running in eDenmark, but I am familiar with tight elections.

I wish very exciting and fun elections! We should enjoy being able to set several trusted candidates, and we should demand a real campaign from all of them.


Zacharia Raven