
Day 1,994, 13:37 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by sunkiru

今日DAY1994 民國102年05月07日


原文刊載於 EDEN之聲 EDEN之聲--別了,EDEN

This is the last article from Erepublik Defence and Economy Network. There is no more one final battle, no one final challenge. All stories must come to an end, and the time for EDEN has long since come.

EDEN was founded in the aftermath of ATLANTIS collapsing, during summer of 2009 when PEACE invaded North America. EDEN formed to fight against the PEACE incursion. Its ideals were to defend member countries and to fight with valour and dignity. Founding members were the nations of Croatia, Finland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden. Later on countries such as Greece and Bosnia & Herzegovina joined the Brotherhood.

During its past, EDEN gained and lost members. With each new joining and each new departure, EDEN changed. It evolved as the world changed - some may say even too much, for the alliance was barely recognisable at times when compared to its ideals. EDEN during its last year was very different from EDEN during its first year.
在EDEN,有人來了也有人走了。無論他們來或去,都曾改變EDEN。EDEN也隨著世界的改變而改變 – 甚至有人說這變化有些太過,有人說與他們加入初衷相去甚遠。現在EDEN早已迥異與最初。

We achieved great victories. The world history is filled with campaigns where EDEN marched forward. Even in times of defeat EDEN was still the one everyone looked up to. For years we marched on. Look what happened to our opponents:

PEACE fell.
Phoenix fell.
NWO fell.
ONE fell.

One after another they formed, fought, resisted and eventually, collapsed. This is the testimony of EDEN - the oldest alliance of eRepublik history. Everyone came and went, but EDEN stayed. Maybe it stayed for too long, since now it is only a shadow of its former self; an echo from the past. Only the name is the same for an alliance that outlived everyone else.
一個又一個的聯盟前仆後繼。他們見證了EDEN至此最後一個榮耀 – eRepublik史上最長壽的聯盟。人們來了又走了,但EDEN仍在這裡。或許太久,除卻名字,其他唯剩下聲與影映照最初。
What describes EDEN perhaps the best is an old poem from the 19th century by Lord Tennyson:
也許這首來自遙遠的19世紀的由Lord Tennyson寫的詩可以反映EDEN的境況:

“We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
但我仍有堅強的意志去奮鬥、去追尋, 而不輕易放棄.”

Indeed, EDEN has been made weak by time and fate. We do not possess the strength of the old days nor the will, but the alliance lingers on. It has become time to stop.

There are now none of the founding members left in EDEN. Countries left are leaving one by one to join other alliances or to try something new. Channels have been dead for months. This isn’t the alliance it was and calling it EDEN is blasphemy to its history. Maybe the countries left as members form an alliance, but do not call that EDEN. That it is not.

Stop spitting on EDEN’s grave. We ask rest of the in-game alliance country congresses to vote for leaving EDEN so it may finally be let in the ground. Be fair and let it die with honour.

Farewell. It is time for new trees to grow.

Signed by
Avec, alpho, Atea, [CRO]Radens, Iaswn, Justino, Lavanche, Petsku

The last of EDEN.






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