Your First Baby Steps - eRepublik Tutorial For Babies

Day 1,014, 14:20 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

1. Get A Job: go to Market then to Job market.

As a new citizen, if possible select a company with only 1 green star, because the more green stars the company has, the more wellness you lose by working there. If you have found the ideal working place, click on the Apply button.

2. Work: Click on “My places” and after on “Company”.

Here you have to choose how many hours you want to work, and a booster, then click on the “Start working” button

For work, you get salary and 2 experience points (XP). You lose a wellness point by the quality of your company (remember the green stars in Jobs) and that doesn’t matter how many hours you work.
You lose 1 happiness point per every hour that you have worked.
If you work 30 days in a row you will receive a treasure map which gives you some golds.

3. Train: to train, go to My places > Training grounds.

Training will raise your military skill. You also get 2 experience points every day for training. Choose a skill to train and then always train that skill in the future. You lose 1 wellness point when you go to train and you lose 1 happiness point per every hour of training.

4. Study: click on My places then on Library. Learning raises your working skill, so you should select the skill in which you are employed (go to the company page, or on your profile to see). You have to choose how many hours you want to learn and a booster, then click on the ‘Start studying’ button.

You recieve 2 experience points for studying.
You lose 1 wellness point when you go to the library
You lose 1happiness point per hour in the library

5. Entertain: go to My places and there click on the Residential district. After a hard day of work, studying and training your happiness can be low. Residential district is a place where you can chill out and relax.
Select how many hours you want to have fun (spend all your remaining free time here after work, train, study), and a booster. Then click on the ‘Chill out’ button.

6. Upload your avatar: you will recieve 2 experience points when you do this the first time.

First to get to your profile, click here:

On the upper right corner you see the ‘edit profile’ button, click on it and you will be able to upload your Citizen Avatar there.

7. Buy foo😛 Click on Market, then Marketplace.

Click on the kind of product that you want to buy (Food here)
Choose the minimum requirements and click on ‘Show results’

After that you will see all of the products who have the minimum requirements.
Choose the quantity and click on the ‘Buy’ button

You must eat food daily to maintain your wellness, because without food you will lose 4 wellness per day. Food must be manually consumed each day.

8. You can eat food by clicking on the "Eat Food" tab on the left side of eRepublik pages, under your wellness & happiness. It will eat the first food in your inventory, you can arrange your inventory by going to your profile and clicking on the "Inventory" tab. You can access your profile by clicking your citizen name under your avatar.

Congratulations, if you followed these 7 steps, you reached level 6 by now!

Dont forget to work, train, study and relax every day!

Tutorial is taken from forums on policy request that i post it in media