You are Doing it Wrong

Day 2,162, 19:42 Published in Canada Sweden by Master Lobban Le Rub Klitoris

With the words of St Krems I bring to you the proposal.

Dear Canada,

Canada, I think you should kill your political parties. Hear me out, I also think you should disband the government military and become a country lead by a militia-political complex. Let me explain why.

The current political system we have is essentially different groups of friends vying to see who can recruit the most newbs to their party to vote in elections. There's no reason for this other than to boost their own power and there's no differences in political ideology between parties. While these parties have produced many outstanding individuals who have contributed to the country in sundry ways the parties themselves have done nothing for this country and the ongoing efforts at recruitment serve only to benefit the individual parties and do little to further the cause of Canadian.

My Modest Proposal is to re-invigorate Canadian politics, make it interesting again for players, make the differences between parties actually matter, and make the running of them actually of benefit to the country. In essence, my proposal is to abolish the idea of political parties as we know them today, the parties of cliques and friend groups, and replace them with the political wings of our various militias and military groups.

It has become increasingly clear to me that the nature of the game has changed and that our current political system is a hangover from the days when our government was run by roleplaying scrabs. This game is now about war, and our political system should reflect this. Congress debates should no longer be about the merits of one set of congressional codes over another but about the best way of supplying a militia and how to recruit more newbies.

Allow me to sketch out my vision fully. No official government military, all funding goes to various competing militias who all either run their own political party or perhaps are in coalition with another militia in a top 5 party. The current 'politscrab' parties full of people without much interest in the war module could be consolidated into one top 5 party, introducing real differences in the visions of our top 5 political parties. Furthermore, introducing politics to militias will give them a chance to get involved in the running of the country and give them an incentive to recruit newbs (While newbs may not produce much damage they have the same number of votes as a tank, giving each militia/party a real incentive to try and catch and retain newbs).

This proposed change would eliminate the, basically, dead-weight of the political parties on our country, make politics about the things that actually matter in this game (how to produce damage and the best places to concentrate it/what type of militia is best (RP vs Laid back ect)) and give the people who are the real decision makers in this country (I promise the president spends more time speaking with militia leaders then congressional leaders) an official place in our government.

Anyway, mull it over, and let me know what you think Canada. Oh, and don't worry about how we would actually make it happen. Political parties have only held onto power in this country because their existence is mandated by game mechanics. If we found a better use for them that would eventually be what happened. I hope to hear from you soon.

TL😃R - The political parties are currently pretty useless, they bicker about useless crap like 'congressional procedure' on forums. There only goals should be to providing support to new people while supplying them for war in addition to there MU's supplies.