Worst Luck Ever?

Day 1,011, 18:51 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

Seems like my luck is really limited in this game.

Let's think about it.
My last three elections, I go to bed, in the lead, with a few minutes left.

I wake up, and I lose.

I invest all of my money in a company, and go to bed.

I wake up, and I'm trapped in Russia

Wanna see me tempt fate?

Gee, I sure hope there aren't a lot of qualified people running for POTUS this month!




Also, I lost in Far Eastern Russia.

Because of a tie.

a tie.

I think that may be my last election. Not because I'm butthurt that I'm lost, I really don't care about that. It's just stressful during election time.

The new world is changing, readers. It's about time I started to change with it.
