With Love From Pakistan !

Day 1,017, 14:53 Published in India Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
Whatever I express in this article is my personal views only, can or can not be views of Pakistani Government

Islamabad, Pakistan:. So I am pretty sure all Indians are wondering as to what happened? Lets just make it easy as to what happened and how it happened? Basically there were none and then there were many. A simple textbook eRepublik Battlefield strategy to bring the best at death. Sorry Ash couldn't tell you when you commented on my battle orders what we had planned for later. I am sure you do understand "Confidential."

Let me clarify a big misconception among my Indian friends that the entire Resistance War was planned by USA and Serbia (Clueless). Don't blame them it was done on directions of Pakistan Armed Forces and our President, it was not USA or anyone else for that matter. USA did offer help but weren't the masterminds. Here are some battle stats to show who was involved and to what extent.

The Masterminds

The main masterminds of this entire battle were Policy, Abuzar and Pak_land and to some extent I was involved in planning. Policy's American relations kicked in and we got USA on board. Our long relationship with Serbia paid off to win our region back. Last but not the least Agabey our senior Pakistani citizen called for help and was responded by Brazil and other nations. Who got involved near the end. lets rewind a little India was fighting for survival against Iran and Indonesia, USA then came and helped you guys free your regions. NWFP Resistance war was similar affair. Now, few days back I read some eIndian calling Pakistan a country thats not even Important to India. We don't want to be Important we know we are Important. Obviously NWFP had no value to you guys economically but for us it was our region under "Indian occupation" that needed Liberation and transfer to its rightful owner. Who else can understand that feeling better then you guys. Am I Right?

Why we love Serbia so much?

I was asked by Shail at the end of the battle why do we support Serbia so much. The answer to this is simple we need a country to support us and Phoenix nations despite all the eden propaganda that they are evil or they suck have always helped us. However, I am not naive and I know big countries are only your friends as long as you are providing them Benefits. Pakistan is in business right now, we should cash that. Like India did not so long ago. So asking why we support Serbia is the same one as to why you gave USA Karnataka.

My Respects

However, I must appreciate one Indian over here Ashwamedh my old friend, despite finding me exposed on battlefield he did not kill me. Obviously he could have slaughtered me easily instead he told me on IRC "Don't want to kill a friend." I am going to applaud this gesture from Ashwamedh and I will hope that both Indians and Pakistanis learn something from this. I have always admired Ashwamedh as a Diplomat during his MoFA days and now I admire him as Soldier of IAF. I respect all Indian Soldiers who faught and gave us a good fight.


I don't know what is to come. All I want to say right now is you can come and attack us, you can take away our regions but you can not take away our Pride as long as we are a proud nation we will find a way to get what is rightfully ours. Special thanks to this song which gave me the inspiration to write this article Click Here to listen. Pakistan Paindabad !!