Why I should be PP of new era

Day 1,998, 10:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Hi I’m Mwcerberus,

You may or may not have heard of me before if you haven’t I’ll tell you a little about myself and why I should be New Era PP. If you have hi *waves*

I started this game almost 3 years ago and since then I’ve been playing almost every day and while I’ve been a minister for the government 4 times my contribution to New Era has been lacking. As I’ve never actually served as your PP although I’ve promoted the party heavily since joining.

While some of New Era leaders like nothing better than a good shouting match with the TUP elites I’m more of a thoughtful leader which I think is where New Era is currently going wrong if you shout abuse at a player they are forever lost to your cause but if you try to reason with the player and get him/her to see your point of view not only will membership increase but members will be happier too.

I’m not saying of course we go soft on our political opponents we should of course stick to our core values.

Also me personally I’m very active in game and I always have a plan, actually last time I was a PP (a while ago) I changed the membership of my party by 44% a change of 94 (yes 94 members) in just 1 month. If I were to do that for new era then it would really change the political landscape.

TL😃R version

Bonus pictures

And in preparation for the comments