Why eRepublik division system is like a girlfriend

Day 2,014, 05:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

You start in div 1 you get ‘BH’ whenever you can get it up sometimes you even get a surprise ‘BH’ and you can get a ‘BH’ at all times of the day even in the morning and you never want to leave div 1

You reluctantly move onto div 2 it still good you’re still getting regular ‘BH’ you’ve no need to worry while your getting less ‘BH’ in the morning it’s still spontaneous and surprise ‘BH’ is still possible

You reluctantly you move to div 3 now you must plan your ‘BH’ choose your time sometimes the moment is stolen from you and you lose a ‘BH’ opportunity. Morning ‘BH’ no longer happens and surprise ‘BH’ went down the drain a long time ago

You’re dragged kicking and screaming into div 4 now you’ve hit the twilight of your relationship, you’re married to the system. You must wait months to get a ‘BH’ and even then sometime you can’t get it up enough (your influence) and even when you can get ‘BH’ you must wait until 3am in the morning. The system you’ve loved so long has aged it’s got saggy boobs and a face like a slapped arse but you continue on because now you’re stuck with it you can’t get anything better.

Bonus pics