Why does your company deserve to fail?

Day 966, 11:16 Published in USA United Kingdom by Devoid

It's because you're a dumbass, basically.

click to expand

Why the hell are you selling so far under market price? Do you not like maximizing profit? Do you think it's your patriotic duty to sell stuff cheaper than necessary? Do you just not check the market before putting stuff up for sale?

Trust me, this happens all over the market, and not just the US market, though these 3 clips are from the US. If you're selling the exact same product, or very nearly the same, as someone else, there's no reason to undercut his/her price by more than a cent. If I'm selling for $24.24, and you're selling for $24.23. nobody's going to buy my stuff. You don't need to cut your price by 5 dollars. If they want the product, they'll buy yours. All you're doing is forcing the market price down and acting against your own business interests.

In somewhat-related news, I just got promoted to Secretary of the Treasury. I'm fairly certain this means I'm supposed to speak economic truths in a prickish way. Right?


Sub this paper, my hamstas.