Who Should be the Next President ?

Day 865, 15:28 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Me or Agent ?

Whoever is the next President Lets hope he can do good for the country and would rather work for the country and unity in the country. I would like all Pro Pakistani Members to try refraining from any trolls because agentchieftain is entitled to his own opinion and you should not troll him for his opinion about me.

As for Agent, he is no doubt one of the great Pakistani Leaders whether I win or I loose either way it will be victory for Pakistani people. AgentChieftian will be my Vice President if I win and if he wins he will be the president.

Good luck to AgentChieftian my well wishes are with you. I would not indulge in posting any negativity against him or his party. Agent no doubt is far more experienced then me. However I think, for last 1 year Pakistan was controlled by one Party and yet our economy kept suffering suddenly when there is a different party in control the questions of economy are coming up?

Anyway, may the best man win !!! Good Luck. My Economic Plan will soon be coming up I would rather use my time into planning rather then negativity. Pakistan already has enough of it. There is need for progressive thinking and unity. Try to unite.

Ralph Nader once said

"I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers."