What is going on in EDEN?

Day 735, 04:38 Published in Poland Sweden by Maegalodonus

I have been checking the statistics of the last battle in Great Andes: EDEN allies vs EDEN allies.
It's truly apalling. Poland is defending its interests and Spain is doing the same. Both have good reasons for doing what they're doing. Then, other people from other EDEN countries have also chose a side in this battle. But sadly, no compromise, no common course of action was agreed upon.

How could this happen?? Why are we no longer fighting for a common purpose?? Is it the end of EDEN???


For the last weeks, EDEN has been doing nothing, except for Slovakia, given up by Hungary in the end. We have been giving precious time to our PEACE enemies to reconfigure their position without being disturbed. PEACE is falling apart, and so is EDEN. Everyone now seems to be caring for its own interests, no longer for a common struggle.

When did it all begin to go wrong?

In my opinion, everything started a few weeks ago, when the USA and Canada, once they have achieved what they wanted, the liberation of their regions thanks to EDEN allies, unilaterally decided to stop all major plans for operations against PEACE, sign a peace treaty with a former enemy (France) and go only after their own interests.

And so, look at EDEN now. It's in shambles. Now everyone in Europe seems to have learned the "american lesson" and is caring for it's own interests. And here are the results: european allies vs european alllies. The Americans and Canadians are in the meantime, sitting and watching. For their own interests.

Are they helping Poland, or anybody in Peru?
Will they help Greece in doing what the Greeks would love to do?
Will they help Sweden in doing what the Swedes would love to do?
Will they help Croatia in doing what the Croatians would love to do?
Will they help Spain in doing what the Spanish would love to do?
Will they help Romania in doing what the Romanians would love to do?

Do they care??

You know the answer. You know their game. No more solidarity for a common purpose.
It's a pity, cause EDEN was a magnificent alliance.

What are we European allies going to do?

That's the big question.