We can beat ONE... [ Eng/Hr ]

Day 1,348, 10:04 Published in Croatia Croatia by Rebelsy


Hrvatska inačica članka; http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/we-can-beat-one-mi-smo-eden-eden-i-kad-nade-nema--1817607/1/20


We can beat ONE...

... Yes, they did conquer eEurope and yes, the did conquer eAmerica... and yes, the have breached into eAsia and no one knows when it's all gonna end...

But in these times of oppression, we are gaining strenght. Outnumbered, they say we have no chance, but we will persevere!

Let us unite, let us show them, to both ONE and ONE - affilieted ecountries that efreedom still lives within us and that their alliance, that was built on treason and greed, won't defeat our spirit and unity...

But even if, my brothers in arms, even if we fall down in the fields of battle, outnumbered by the enemy, let us rise our flags until last men fall down standing. The winds that will blow at the end of our fight will still reveal the glory of our flags under which we gave our elives.

Eden forever, Eden even if hope is no more...

We will march together, us who are pure of heart, us who are still feeling alive. We are no mice and we won't allowed to be called mice.

We are Eden, Eden even if hope is no more...

They can run us down again tommorow, they can defeat us a hundred times, but we will remain on our feet. We have heart and we are not afraid to stand in front of the enemy no matter the cost. This is of no importance, what is important are those honest men, those brave men that stand by my side. You are those men.

All for one and one for all.
My brothers in arms and my friends.
What fun we have. the time we shere.
Brothers ¨til the end.

Rebelsy News;

fight today, for us there is no tomorrow


p.s. posebna zahvala odlazi za Generala Viktora i njegov prijevod članka