WAR !!!! The HOLIEST DAY has arrived.

Day 744, 10:29 Published in USA Sweden by Maegalodonus

Yes, the Holiest Day has arrived.

After months of patient waiting, we’re finally rolling onto France., paying them back the “visit” they made to us some months ago. France still has 7 mpp’s on their side. But we got the will to win. And also many friends and allies, or simply, people who feel betrayed by the French (which are many, obviously, XDD) are up in arms and fighting hard in Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrenees and Languedoc-Rousillon. The whole French border is being assaulted. And it’s being a HELL of a battle. That’s the way I like it. Yeah.

There are so many people fighting there, from so many different countries, on both sides, for France and PEACE, and for Spain and EDEN, that these battles are going to be huge and amazing. The mother of all battles. LOL!!
I just want to say thanks and welcome to Spain to all those people that have moved to our country to fight in this war, and to those who are still moving or about to move. Or simply, donating money.
The primary target is Aquitaine. So if you want to come and fight, that’s where you should be hitting.

Click down here, for some funny overstream resume on the battles. 😃


Spanish Official Battle Orders:

