Voting Instructions !!!

Day 877, 13:43 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Dear Pakistani Citizens,

Like every month Party Elections are once again on us and like every time PTOers are using their cheating ways to take our seats. First Advice Vote wisely.

It will be not wise to Vote for someone who is unopposed. i.e. Altnabla who is confirm Vento Aureo Party President. It is my request to citizens of Pakistan to Divert their Votes towards Hammas and Policy.

Policy has 19 Votes lead but PTOer will try to vote in crunch minutes of the election. Hammas has 5 Votes and is in Tie. I request you guys to divert next few votes you have to hammas and get him a lead in that election.

Also Divert votes for Policy but make hammas priority right now. Hammas was asked by me to get control of party made by PTOers and we should support such actions as a nation as it will secure our sovereignty.

Hammas Amer for Where is the Party
Policy for Pro Pakistani Party

I hope everyone will vote wisely

Ahsan Shahbaz
President of Pakistan