Vote Yes for Welcome Message

Day 883, 20:08 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
Ignore the ugliness it is a erepublik bug vote yes. Welcome message pm will look like this

Welcome to ePakistan,
Pakistan is one of the most prestigious countries in the New World and we welcome you to be a part of our Pakistani Community. You can become a successful Pakistani Politican, soldier or a business tycoon. Everything is within your reach. Your First and most important action should be to register on our National forums. Key to a successful eLife is interaction with fellow citizens through PakistanNationalForums and IRC Chat

You should also do in-depth analysis of links provided below:
Guide For Beginners
Fighting For Beginners
Wiki Tutorial


اگر آپ حقیقت میں پاکستانی ہو تو
فورم کو استعمال کرو ۔ وہاں آپ کی بہت زیادہ مدد کی جاسکتی ھے


I hereby Declare you citizen of ePakistan, enjoy your stay here. Send a Personal Message to me if you have any questions

President of ePakistan