Day 756, 16:08 Published in Romania Greece by markos28

That is part of the beauty of Romania ..

Acestea sunt o parte din frumusetile din Romania

wow!!!! ... and some of your beauty is unique ..

wow!!!...frumusetea fetelor din romania este unica

Romanian and Greeks are a race of great history ..
And friends not only in reality .. but also in the game too..
You are a very important allies .. and we see that in practice,with the numbers of fighting...

Romanii si grecii au fost rase aliate de-a lungul istoriei
sunteti prieteni si in realitate...dar si in joc si lucrul asta se vede in numarul de lupte pe care le-ati dat de partea noastra

Click here,to see the numbers and to fight for Eden and Greece



(I hope my romanian are not that bad 🙂 )

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