Vacation (Me)

Day 162, 06:29 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Well, here I to see the world.................

I'm gonna leave today for Sweden, first stop of many in my trip around the world. On my journey I'll move through from Sweden down to Pakistan or maybe even South Africa....I don't know yet...only time(and money) will tell. Yeah, it's gonna cost, but thanks to a few odd jobs recently I think I can handle the burden...and besides...a Q4 weapons employee is a great asset in every country right don't worry about me.

Why am I going?
For journalistic purposes. Lately I've been looking through the international news less and less....bringing up babbelfish less and less......I'm worried that I'm starting to lose my passion for finding obscure and interesting news, and I'm hoping that seeing a different news page in front of me every day will encourage me to pick up what I once used to love to do.

Also it'll be fun. Role-playing.

One problem though. My paper. I can't dream of living without my my's my own personal breath of life...source of (semi)expression in the game.....I can't just let it be deleted.

So I'm asking somebody(anybody) to take care of my paper for me.

I'll sell you my paper for a certain amount of money and then donate that sum to you(so you're not at a loss're doing a job for me after all). While I'm gone I'll be writing articles about what I to be relayed back here that I'll need you to post here. I'll email that to you.

For all your good work, honor, and being a good guy, I'll pay you when I get back. How much? We'll talk about that. List your price and we'll talk about it....then write up a contract

Sound good? Easy job, right? Cool. If you don't have a paper and want to hold mine...go ahead and let me know

EDIT: I forgot to mention why I'm going to Sweden. To help Grev Per win the election....he's gonna give 1000SEK to whoever votes for him if he wins(1000SEK=33.3Gold=1666.67USD)
