Update on Government Run Companies

Day 880, 15:11 Published in Israel Israel by eIsrael Government

Good day Israeli's. It is my pleasure to bring you the latest updates of the two government run companies.

The first company is the Q1 food company. There seems to be alot of new players joining and it is always our goal here to provide them with a job until they get strong enough to join a regular company. Right now there is around 20 employees in this company, so if you own a company, just peek in and see if there is a quality worker with a good skill level and offer them job in your company. I encourage you to steal these workers, so go ahead and just email them and recruit them to your company.

I was finally give authority from FK to sell off some of the back stock of Q1 food so that there would be no need to ask for more funding. So I believe that there is enough money to keep running this company for the next month now.

The second company is the Q1 house company. Right now there is alot of players in this company, well over 50 total. If you own a construction company, please look up this government run company and feel free to steal away some workers. There is quite a few skill level 2 players in there right now, so go for it.

Again, I received authority to sell off some of the homes in here to provide for wages and material. Thanks to this effort, I believe that this company is good for the next month as well in money.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in game at mrsjholiday.

Everyone have a great day and remember to have abit of fun. Dont be sooooo serious where you dont want to play anymore.

mrsjholiday reporting...