To All Thai's Padawan and Jedi Master

Day 757, 02:51 Published in Thailand Indonesia by Arya Gunawan

Greetings Thailand's Padawan, and Jedi Master!!

Maybe some of u already know.. I’m the new Party President of National Thailand Jedi Party.. I’m sending my best regards for whoever vote me in the recent election.. U may already know my name.. But actually, I made a mistake when I created this account.. I put Arya Gunawan,, while my real name is Aryoda Gunawan.. U can call me Yoda..

Well, I won’t do any harm to this peaceful country.. I’m bored with this game.. I leave Indonesia, because it’s realy crowded there, and yet still bored me.. So I’m going to have some fun in this Less-Crowded-Country,, Maybe U don’t like the fact that I’m take this PP position by FORCE.. But peaceful way won’t do any good for me..

I won’t change the Party Name, because it’ll disrupt the FORCE.. I’ll do my job as wise as I can.. So, any of you, Young Padawan, who want to be the member of the Council (weird, they call it Congress here),, U can send a PM to me, and I’ll consider ur promotion to be the member of the Council..

We don’t have much time, Young Padawan.. We only have 10 day before the deadline.. Quickly, We Must!!


NTJP’s Party President