This Day Aug 27

Day 2,107, 08:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

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August 27

1695 - The second Irish parliament of William III is called in Dublin; Robert Rochfort is unanimously elected Speaker
1798 - Humbert appears outside Castlebar. The Government forces are deployed to cover the direct route and Humbert unexpectedly appears on their flank. Humbert attacks. French advance causes Militia to run. Government defence collapses and Humbert takes the town. Cornwallis reaches Tullamore. Rebels assemble on Rebel hill, near Baileborough, Co Cavan
1870 - The Oceanic, a liner built in Belfast by Harland and Wolff for the White Star Line, is launched
1908 - Birth of Niall Ó Dónaill, Irish-language scholar and lexicographer, in the Rosses, Co. Donegal
1920 - Birth of James Molyneaux, Ulster Unionist Party leader
1928 - The Galway Gaelic Theatre - afterwards called the Taibhdheare Theatre - opens with Micheál Mac Liammóir's production of Diarmuid agus Gráinne
1937 - The first traffic lights in the Free State are installed at the junction of Merrion Square and Clare Street
1979 - Assassination of Lord Louis Mountbatten off the coast of Co. Sligo
1982 - The official police death count of the Troubles reaches 3,000 on this date with the killing of Hugh McKibbin in Belfast
1999 - On their first official overseas visit, Prince Edward and his new bride Sophie Rhys Jones arrive at Dublin Castle for the opening of the Millennium Gold Encounter. A total of 77 young people from 25 countries who have won their nation’s equivalent of the Gaisce award will attend the conference. Prince Edward is the chairperson the International Awards Association
2000 - A former member of British military intelligence reveals that weapons used by loyalist gangs who rampaged through Belfast's Shankill district the previous week were provided by British intelligence as part of a plan to defeat the IRA
2001 - Opponents claim that the introduction of tolls on the planned Kinnegad-Enfield-Kilcock motorway will cost commuters to Dublin an extra £20 a week; they outline their objections at an oral inquiry in Mullingar to plans by the National Road Authority to charge car users £1.65 to use the new 35 kilometre road
2001 - The newly restored century-old trading schooner, Kathleen & May arrives in Youghal after a 24-hour historic voyage from England to Ireland
2002 - Roy Keane's autobiography breaks the record for first day sales of a hardback book in Ireland.

Like the atom, the flyswatter can be a force for great good or great evil.

Albert Einstein and his twin brother both insisted that they be photographed separately.

Wilker's Law:
Government expands to absorb revenue, and then some.

Kamin's Fifth Law:
Purchasing power of currency is always lost far more rapidly than it is ever regained. (Those who expect even fluctuations in both directions play a losing game).

Kureger's Law:
A taxpayer is someone who doesn't have to take a civil service examination to work for the government.

Ponemon's Provocation:
If you don't know who's to blame, you are!

Once again the time has come to elect a Country President for the month. The 5th of each month is a very important day in the daily business of a nation. While much of the running of Ireland is pretty much automatic by now, with the IA and the Commune system that supplies it a well oiled machine along with the Ministry of Finance, the election of a President sets the whole mood for the month.

As of press time there are two candidates running for President on the 5th.

Winston Hope Smith, current Secretary General of the ILP is running against Bhane, Councillor of the IFP.

Winston Hope Smith has an initial campaign article, Winston Hope Smith - A Candidate for Country President where he explains why he wants to be President and what his plans are.

At this time there have been no campaign articles by Bhane.

There is talk of other candidates running but no one else has thrown their hat into the ring. There is still time for more candidates to enter the race so only time will tell who will be on the ballot on the 5th.

Thanks for reading everyone. Please shout this out to your friends. I also would like subscriptions. I only need three more to pass Kurgan in the rankings.

Anthony Colby