This Day Aug 26

Day 2,106, 10:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

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August 26
1725 - Five Dublin children receive the first recorded smallpox innoculations in Ireland
1798 - Humber leaves Ballina bound for Castlebar. He takes an indirect route through the mountains
1904 - Lord Dunraven forms the Irish Reform Association to campaign for some devolution; the following December, unionists form a United Unionist Council to resist Dunraven's plan
1913 - Also known as "The Great Dublin Lockout", the Dublin Transport Strike, led by Jim Larkin and James Connolly, begins
1921 - Re-election of Éamon de Valera President of Dáil Éireann. He is proposed and seconded by Commandant Sean MacEoin and General Richard Mulcahy — both of whom later line up against him in the Civil War
1940 - German aircraft bomb a creamery at Campile, Co. Wexford; three women are killed
1997 - U2 Comment removed per request.
1998 - British Prime Minister, Tony Blair meets with Taoiseach Bertie Ahern in Ashford Castle, Co. Mayo. They join forces to fight terrorism and discuss laws which will be introduced in the aftermath of the Omagh bombing
2002 - Roy Keane’s journey from unemployed potato picker in Cork to multi-millionaire player on the world stage is related in his book "Keane - The Autobiography" which is released on this date.

The world's least successful game show was called "Bowling for Skunk Cabbage".

The older you get, the less funny some things may seem.

Bohor's Bromide:
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.

The Attorney's Axiom:
Every good question breeds good and bad questions-and usually the person who asks the bad questions can't be stopped by good answers.

Quade's Law:
In human relations the easiest thing to achieve is a misunderstanding.

Katz's Law:
Men and nations will act rationally when all other possibilities have been exhausted.

Sorry for the length of time between issues. School starting and family obligations have resulted in less time for publishing. I hope to get back to a daily paper soon.

As usual thanks for reading. Please read, enjoy, comment, shout, subscribe and vote please.

Anthony Colby