The USWP Writer's Guild is Live!

Day 1,023, 16:39 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

Do you want to get pointers on how to better your writing? Do you want more subscribers, and votes? Then the writers guild is for you!.

The USWP Writer's Guild is a way to try to help young and upcoming writers to better their writing skills, learn what to write about and what to avoid, and how to get subscribers.

Let me give you a quick intro of the members, and some very skilled writers 😃

The Way I See It is written by former VP Fionia. This paper is good for getting in-depth updates on the USWP, as well as a little bit about current news around the world. I'm subscribed, and you should be too!

The Rising Times, written by S3RO, is certainly rising. Much like Fionia, this paper is written to help give a bit more info about the USWP, though this one has many more interviews. Again, a good read!

The Paperless Newspaper, written by former VP Ligtreb, is paperless, I assume, to save money. Ligtreb (from this point on known as Moneybags) is a Media Mogul, which he earned through his great rendition of world events! Current Speaker of the House, Moneybags has detailed numerous eUS programs in his paper! Be sure to check them out.

That's just a quick rundown on some of the members! Be sure to stay tuned to help get more people reading these papers!
