The United States Of TYRANNY!

Day 1,577, 23:07 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

To give you some background on all this, a few days ago I had what seemed like a brilliant idea, which may have very well worked had a couple of things gone how I expected them to go. Because of the way Jude Connors has treated our party in the past, and the fact that a glorified troll was about to take over as Party President in the former Libertarian Party, which was PTO'd by Jude and renamed the Marijuana Party, I decided to take over the party and turn it in to a grand alliance of conservatives and libertarians. Also, the odds of us getting our party on the ballot this month were slim to none as the other parties would have reshuffled to keep us out. I operate under the Gretzky philosophy, "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take"... so I decided to take a shot.

A few things went wrong, firstly, there was a certain traitor named Tony Stewert who decided to leak private discussions and expose our plans yesterday. It only takes one to ruin a secret between a few hundred good friends. Secondly, despite the fact that I made my instructions very clear in the voting orders, a considerable amount of people voted for me. While I appreciate their votes, this was supposed to be an all-in power play, not a half-in split. This is not what I intended and this was not what I had planned.

Basically today certain people who have absolutely no life spent the WHOLE day directing votes. Considering they had nothing better to do we put up some strong numbers. These people included Israel Stevens and Talio Extremist, two people who command substantial amounts of AMP and FED votes, as well as Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel and his USWP hordes. The following messages were mass PM's that contained lies. One was sent by our Dictator-in-Chief, Oblige, and the other was from the IES Director, Firo Prochainezo. I think it is worth nothing that Oblige sent his orders to PTO us with Pfeiffer's pawn out before I even distributed orders to our members. He intended to abuse his position to PTO us before our plans were ever announced to a large number of people. Enjoy the lies!

Oblige to ****** | 23 hours ago
Dear ******,

Party President Elections are being held today, and eAmerica needs YOUR HELP to avoid potential threats to our national security.

For that reason, I am ordering all Special Forces members to use their vote as directed by the Department of Homeland Security during tomorrow's elections.

During the day, when you log onto IRC please check with the officer on duty as to where you should cast your ballot.

If you are not IRC active, then please vote for Vanek26 in the "Freedom Alliance AFP" party -

Remember to return to your home party afterwards.

Thank you for your service to our great eNation.

- Oblige

P.S. If you have any questions either reply to this PM or find me on IRC.

Firo Prochainezo to ****** | 10 minutes ago

I know you recently received US citizenship. The US would like to ask a favor in return; please vote for chickensguys in USMJ:

Sugiwara is an undercover serbian. This is vital to our continued alliance with Terra/EDEN. If ONE members control congress, they can change our proposals, vote down MPPs with EDEN, and open floodgates for more ONE members to grab congressional seats.

Thank you for your time. Please join USMJ today and vote chickensguys, we beg of you.

Help Prevent PTOs TODAY!
Go to Rizon IRC #DHS-Public or for ATO Voting Instructions


As you can see, Oblige's theme of "unity" is a bunch of nonsense. Anyone who runs for four consecutive terms as President cares only about their ego and advancing their own power at the expense of the rights of other Americans they are SUPPOSED to represent. As for Firo, this clown manages our immigration system? He is a top notch liar. Firstly, Sugawara is a real life American, secondly he is a former US Congressman and Japanese CP, but apparently he is also a Serb and a ONE PTO, despite having no history of being either? You see, in the United States of Tyranny, the truth is an inconvenience which is just covered up by lies, and you, the sheeple, are expected to believe it. It is a very sad state of affairs in this country.

Oh, and for the record, I am friends with people from ALL alliances, and I would take a group of leaders from just about any country from EDEN, TERRA, or ONE over the un-American oligarchs we have running this tyrannical sham they try to call a country. This is a disgrace.

One last thing, I will be taking a step back in my role. I am not quitting, but it is seriously time for me to scale back. I have a lot of real life things I need to focus on. I will still be around though, except I will be actively trying to reduce the amount of time I spend in eRepublik, at least for awhile. I will be 23 in two months, and I need to worry about my real life political career, finding someone special, and most of all, I want to leave you with something which I hope you will never forget....

Semper Fi!
General Cartman Lee
American Patriot
General of the Armies ******
American Eagle Division
EDEN-TERRA Unified Command