The newest Feature ...

Day 1,147, 09:05 Published in Germany Germany by omg_87
... is imho an exploit

"Dear Manager,

In order to improve your game experience, starting with Day 1050, we will give you the opportunity to work, once per day, for all the companies that you own on your citizen account.

Isn't that great? Higher daily production, higher skill increase, more fun.

Kind regards,
Your eRepublik Team"

... sounds great?

Not in my ears. If you own a Multi-Farm maybe yes because now you can maximise profit with it.
- Multi 1 owns 10 companies, works 10 times sells company
- Multi 2 buys 10 companies, works 10 times sells company ...
- ... and so on

This way you can produce INSANE amounths of cheat-weapons in a really short time and
throw them into battle or on the public market before any admin can ban them.