The Brolliance Wants YOU!

Day 981, 20:31 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

To donate to the new Brolliance SHIELD program 😃

SHIELD, unveiled in my (and Deleruin's last article, The Brolliance is restarting the militia.

SHIELD was, at one point, a global militia, with branches in Ireland, Japan, Australia, Canada, and of course, the USA. The program lost momentum as the 1ronman scandal (canadian politican stole from the gov't) unfolded. 1ronman was an admin on the Brolliance forum, and I personally removed his admin status 😉

The Brolliance is very much alive, my friends. Help keep it that way 😉

The article today is short and sweet. Let's get SHIELD off the ground once again 🙂

