TEDEN: Regrouping

Day 1,586, 14:06 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by Pan Xenonchik
Marines don't die, we just go to hell to regroup

Last several days were not very good for us. TEDEN lost few battles in Espania, Turkey and Central Europe. I see that this failures instilled confusion to some of us. The line of defeats gives a possibility of different manipulation of facts and substitution of concepts, for example like this. It means that we need to think and to determine the real factors that had influence on current situation.

1. Addicted To Chaos.
The one of the first reasons was the primary desorganization of TEDEN after Bulgaria moved to ONE. We could see it in 70+% wall in Plowdiv when we lost rounds in Semhan, could see in disbalances TEDEN damage in Turkish RW and more. What we can say about its. Its normal, sad but true. Well organized old EDEN system fell due to the departure of one of the key elements - Bulgaria and TEDEN just dont have time to rebuilding. Every qualified manager can tell you that such situation are inevitable. From another side we can note perfectly coordination beetween Bulgaria and ONE, that can say about very long term dialog beetween sudden new allies. 😉

2. Tornado Of Souls.
The next problem contains in combination of indefinite "neutral" current status of Turkey and very defined opinion of some TEDEN countries about Turkey. I say about Belorus, Russia and Ireland that closed their eyes for a pack MPPs with ONE-countries that Bulgaria suddenly has gotten and declared position like "We dont know what is Turkey, we help our friend, Bulgaria". De facto nobody has reasons to blame it.

3. Angry Again.
Next reason - it lead to desorientation of at least the huge part of our warriors. Yep, I saw a lot of guys from Ukraine, Greece, Romania, etc, that didnt understand why they had to fight against Bulgaria(or fight FOR it). From another side all Bulgarians have no doubts about who to kill, and strated fight against latest "brothers" and "friends" with enviable fanatizm. 🙂

4. Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?
As we all know, now TEDEN is(and we hope, would be) a dominating alliance. TEDEN countries have a lot of colonies where it was a lot of RW. This is a logical law - more territories - more difficult to protect if. Calm fed times go to their end. This combines with paragraph 1.

5. Guns, Drugs, & Money
I know that now I'll say unprovable statement, but yesterday I saw more bazooka-fights than any another day. I think this can be explained by a deep emotional splash of Bulgarian community summoned by butthurt. So we dont have to worry about it. Collected bazookas will end. 🙂

Set The World Afire
Ok, warriors of the world, lets tell about what we need to do with this.

Primo. We all must understand that Bulgaria now is pro-ONE country. Their masterpuppets can weave a web of words like "a new alliance"(lol), "neutral country"(lolx2) or "third path"(lololol), but their actions and their new MPPs speak eloquently than any words. If BG gov will change their opinion and stop fight against us, it would be another situation. We can make a hundred-meter wave of flaming reasons why BG thus received but its doesnt cansell simple fact - Bulgaria is pro-ONE. Do you like it or not.

Secundo. We need to take Turkey in EDEN as quickly as possible. Now, after Bulgarian demarche there is no barriers to end this long race. And when Turkey will become an official member of EDEN the second reason of our defeats desappeared cause it would be no space of status manipulation.

Terzo. Mmm, we need to fight, to organize, unitedwestaydividedwefall, blahblahblah. If you read my article you know this no worse than me, no reason to repeat. All that we need - wait and regroup. 🙂

And one(not ONE) more. This night all TEDEN fight totally hard in Liguria. It was epic and nervous battle with dramatic epilogue. But TEDEN won. Won in main yesterday battle. It means something. 🙂

All will be ok, guys, now stop read, lets listen the music.