Stand up and Fight !

Day 839, 05:30 Published in United Kingdom Germany by omg_87

Day 839 ... silence lays upon the british Islands. Everyone is waiting for something to
happen. Some news about the South african conflict, some about internal stuff. No
news about the RWs started Denmark and Slesvig-Holstein. So I ask you to please
stand up and proof you are a real ally:

-Wake up, take a gun and fight-

Today you can show how UK really wants a free Germany. It's about our vital northern
high grain province Slesvig-Holstein. So move to Sveland, Sweden fight as many times as possible and return to your homecountry (do not forget healing).

This is the way we wanna I see you guys:


BTW: I'm no native speaker so plz forgive me my errors ^-^

Hail Phoenix \o/