Spartans remain silent towards their cousins!

Day 141, 10:32 Published in USA Armenia by Internetus Internetian

GACC is very worried over the silence from the Spartans, a major political party and rulting party of Greece. There silence to the Armenian issue combinded with there particapation in the Bulgarian-Romanian-Greek-Turkish Bloc is a worry for GACC. The Greeks, being the closest living culture and lanuage to Armenians, GACC would assume that the Greeks could be good and close allies, but their alliance and silence has brought great concern to GACC. What can we expect when our cousins refuse to aknowldedge us? GACC wishes to have contact with the Spartans. Two messeges to the president and one to a mayor and no response has left GACC unsure of how to view this silence between cultural cousins. GACC can only hope that this silence does not imply any negativity to the Armenia cause. It would be highly appreciated if those that view this can vote for this article so it can make it into the international headlines.

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