Spanish Government Officially Condemns Pakistan (Spain)

Day 223, 11:47 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Category: Politics, Society

As you may have read in the international section, yesterday Kartalon wrote [a url=]an article officially condemning Pakistan[/a] for its crimes against freedom.

The Spanish were Pakistan's first enemy. Anybody here since February or later might only know of the hatred between Sweden and Pakistan, but the tensions between Pakistan and Spain run much deeper. It all started in an article by a Spaniard back on December 2 [a url=]revealing that Pakistan is from /v/[/a], which the Pakis vehemently denied of course, and spiraled on in [a url=]a Pakistan topic[/a]. For a month or two, Spain was a hated people to the Pakis until Sweden became the #1 bad guys to Pakistan. I couldn't find anything about the origin of the battles between Sweden and Pakistan.

But it all came back with full force when Kartalon started making fun of Dio in Pakistan's [a url=]greeting to the goons[/a]. There were some arguments and insults exchanged, and then it was on.

For about a week now, the Pakis have been relentlessly trolling and flaming Spaniards by making topics such as [a url=]a list of countries better than Spain[/a] which were designed to insult and infuriate the Spanish. And they worked. The Spanish and the Paki have been exchanging insults without cease in a number of different topics now, and has brought such tension between the two countries that citizens that in Kartalon's article, Spaniards are screaming for war.

There's little chance that there will actually be a war between the two countries, however. If they really want to, Spain could bring the issue to the Mediterranean Alliance, and move their troops to Hungry if the motion passes. But there's little chance of that happening unless the rest of the alliance feels the insults from Pakis and determine it to be a reasonable reason for war. Kartalon hasn't mentioned war at all, and I don't expect that he will seriously consider it, but I've sent him a pm, and I'm waiting for a reply right now. I'll update this when he writes back
