So Long, and Thanks For the Fish

Day 987, 13:21 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

The USWP has treated me well. It was my first party, I have made a lot of friends there, and got myself known a bit.

But I need to think about my political career, and my enjoyment of the game.

There was a major problem with the APF. Everyone came on and grabbed for power, and the place was hostile towards anyone that wasn't known very well. I won my first and only election with them, because, although they we huge, they were also stable, and organized.

When the APF formed, I considered my true party to be The Brolliance Party.

The APF won a majority of congress both times.

At first, the revived USWP was the opposite. They were good with keeping people interested in sticking with the party, but were very rushed at election time. Since Jude left, morale has been low; I don't feel the same comradeship I felt when I first joined after formation.

I was one of the earlier supporters of reforming. When it was reborn, I considered my true party to be the United States Workers Party.

I'm not sure the place is stable now that Jude left, so I think it's time to be leaving now.

I'm not sure if I'll be joining another Top 5 party, or if I'll just start to two-click; one thing that I am certain about, though, is that my statement of morale being low is correct.

I would love to stay and try to help and reform the place, but I feel like my voice is not heard anymore.

Really hope to get some feedback with this article.

Sorry for the lack of lulz. Just feel like this place isn't as fun as it used it.
