Shame on You!

Day 1,785, 02:02 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
This article is not meant to insult anyone at all, but only meant as pure political opposition, a healthy ingredient for every and each democracy - and which has been lacking in the Netherlands the last few weeks in my view.

Most of you might have noticed my absence the last few months and might have wondered why - Did I really cave in to the wall of shame I've been put on? Wrong! As every ''respected'' player in the eNetherlands, I tried to get a pension in the United States. I however tumbled over the enormous bureaucracy, which is worse than in our own eState, to get in, even though my application had been accepted. After some time, I came to the conclusion that destiny wants me to be in the eNetherlands - and so be it!

What I immediately noticed is the lack of political activity and diversity. While it can be considered a good thing we are now all united by a few lackluster personalities - others having either fled the country, left the government or simply just quit the game, I find that simple fact has more disadvantages than advantages. I could list a whole list of disadvantages, but I guess you're confronted with them every and each minute of being in the eNetherlands - Inactive governments and political parties, lack of experience and realism, lack of opportunism or realpolitik (Do we really accept being Poland's puppet? Really?!), and an overall lack of activity which can be seen in our all-time low population numbers and experience points.

Political diversity is one of the most important things to get people involved within the community, instead of two-clicking. In fact, it does help so much more than any subsidy could do. When I started and evolved TDP in a major party, activity could immediately be seen - 'fights' over power, which were considered only to be satisfying the power-hungry of 'fossils' clinging to power, do actually contribute to the nation! Many examples can be named in our history (TDP, Independent Party, Communist Party e.g). The continuous friction between the traditional party (I&W), and opposition parties resulted in many mudthrowing indeed, but also to the most active times our nation had - It's no coincidence now that friction has ceased to exist we've been entering dark and boring times.

But I guess most of the current prominent players can be blamed for letting this happen. I&W has not been able to maintain their place, now that the elite has left the party in inactivity. GPN and Van Spijck are the only benefactors in this situation, who can retain power without any opposition for many terms (There are not even any opposing presidential candidates, for gods sake!) - but they can't be blamed - We would, and should, all be doing the same when such a chance would be given to us. DemNL, an always respectable opposition party, seems to have lost their political interest, although I'm sure it's the only party who can currently turn around things for the better of our country.

While the inactivity of the established parties is a major threat, the foolishness of the other parties, namely The Progressive Party, the Dutch Patriot Party and The Dutch Socialist Party, is more worrying. The Dutch Progressives have turned in mere puppets, while they once held the center of power withing 3 months of their existence. The Dutch Patriot Party has never been known to oppose GPN. The Dutch Socialist Party, vowing for many changes in our political system, having been demoted to a salonfährig party of no importance, but they chose themselves to do so.

While supporting other parties is an important part of the political game, supporting a presidential candidate, without any made known program and lackluster, yet somewhat stable, previous governments, is a betrayal to our democracy. Supporting GPN's ideology is also a betrayal to the ideals of both the Dutch Progressives and the Dutch Socialist Party; The former originally working together with I&W and placing a focus on fighting bureaucracy and isolationism, the last one vying for radical changes but ending up supporting conservative and reactionary elements.

Jolande Sap did the same..

Shame on you!