SAR97 For Party President

Day 2,458, 19:50 Published in USA USA by SAR97

Hello fellow party members,
I SAR97 am running for party president and if elected this will be my first government position. I know I’m fairly new but I would like to show you that I’m able to do this. First I run my own charity that you all know and employs 7 members as of right now. Yes my charity is going through hard times right now but we are pulling through, by making the how the charity works simpler. Also for the eUS DoE I made a forum for them, so I’m listed as staff member to keep it up and running. Also I’m very active in game, IRC, and VMA-214 game.

Now to what I would do if I was the party president. I would make a group that did weekly announcements to the public and make a weekly contest. Also I would name a weekly party member of the week. Also I would continue to keep the same policies of the past. Also I will be trying get more votes in election for black sheep, work more closer with the government, and moving up from 5 to 4, 3, 2, or 1. Another thing is that I will make a new position that would do all technology things and I’m going call it technology secretary. So if you elected me not much will change but what changes will happen will be for the better.

Vice President
Secretary General
Technology Secretary