Running for a Second Congressional Term in B.C

Day 1,673, 06:47 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks,

I'm announcing my plans to run for a second term as Congressman of B.C.

What went wrong last term:

I wouldn't say anything really went wrong... My economic plans were disagreed upon by majority of congress, and a few other members had different plans on what to do with the tax issue.

As for the CDoE, That's still going to be a thing. I am done finals today, so I will have more time to get it together, as well as do more Congress things.

What went right last term:

Last term, I was very active in the forums, voting when needed, never abstaining, and adding intelligent input into the conversation. I wish to continue to do the job that I'm doing, and I can't do that without your votes.

Thank you, and have a great day.