Right, I can't stand this lameness anymore

Day 792, 12:44 Published in United Kingdom Sweden by Maegalodonus

By reading many articles on the UK media, I've come to the conclusion that you're a bunch a silly english Kiinnnnnighiits with silly knee-bent advancing behaviour.

So I, a Spaniard, your enemy, and for the sake of enlightenment, have decided to give you some insight on current strategic developments, focusing on the Western European theatre and some insight on how the war module works. This way, you will fight with a clearer idea of what you're doing, and be erased form the map anyway, but it'll be a more interesting war.

1) France. (or better, Corsica)

After the fall of Rhone-Alps, a peace treaty was offered to France. They rejected it. La France will win, and blah, blah, blah...
After the fall of Paris, again, a peace treaty was offered to France. They rejected it. La France shall be victorious and blah, blah, blah...
After the fall of North-Calais, yet again, a peace treaty was offered to France. Rejected again. La France vaincra, mon dieu!! and blah, blah, blah...

Well, and now they are down to Corsica.

In the meantime, France patronized the creation of a very peculiar and comical alliance, known as the Entente, formed by France, Italy and Ukraine. The purpose of this alliance was to fight for France, and save their ***. Obviously, they failed. They failed because altogether their firepower is smaller than that of Spain ALONE. Therefore, the only reason why Italy hasn't been ransacked already is because they have MPP's with Indonesia and Russia. The only reason why France wasn't erased from the continental map much sooner is because they had, and still have, mpp's with all the major powers in Phoenix.

What's the deal? The deal is that, as long as there's a french region "alive", France's mpp's are still active, and so Phoenix can use those mpp's in France to fight against Spain (and thus, Poland and EDEN in a later stage). That's the sole reason why there were so many RW's in France (financed by Russia). All of them failed, except the one in Franche-Comte, but immediately after it was surrounded by Poland. But if a single RW in France is successful, let's say in Champagne-Ardenne for instance, France not only recovers that region (that's irrelevant) but Phoenix can use this region to attack surrounding regions in the hands of Spain. And it wouldn't be Spain v France. It would be Spain v 10 mpp's. That's the point.

Can they use it to attack Poland?. No, they cannot. First, because France is not at war with Poland. Second, because it would take a HUGE amount of gold just to declare war on Poland (France has no money and Phoenix is not likely to loan them and waste that much gold in declaring war there) and even if it happened, the battles would be France (alone) v Poland. No active mpp's for France in this case. Not a chance for France, obviously.

The moment France is totally erased from the map, all their mpp's dissapear as well. That means, supposin they re-appear on the map at a given time, thanks to a succesful RW, they would still have those mpp's DEFENSEVELY against Spain, but not OFFENSIVELY, although in fact, there would be no state of war active between Spain and France.

Example: France loses their last region, Corsica. Couple of days later, France recovers via RW the region of Loire-Valley, f.i.: France needs to declare war on Spain in order to attack surrounding regions (lots of gold). France CANNOT use their mpp's for those battles, it would be France alone v Spain. No chance for France.

In reality that means that if France is completely wiped out, a newly emerged France would be of no interest whatsoever to Phoenix, since they wouldn't be able to fight Spain in French soil, thus draining heavy spanish damage from, let's say, the battles in England or elsewhere. France is currently blocked and rotten in Corsica, without the ability of doing anything from there. They will be there for as long as we want to. They'll be erased from the map when we please and spot the chance.

2) Swaping in Europe between Spain and Poland

What is all about?? why does Poland have Rhone-Alps? why does Spain have Rheinland-Westfalia?

It's got to do with blocking strategy.

During the invasion of Germany, the Netherlands declared war on Poland and attacked them. It was a huge fail, since they wasted a hell of a lot of gold for nothing. But there's a state of war between Netherlands and Poland, and that means that Holland could attack Poland and block them. They could, if only they had a border with Poland. That's why Spain is surrounding Holland. There's no state of war between Holland and Spain, so the Dutch guys would have to waste another huge amount of gold (that they don't have) just to declare war on Spain, and even so, any attack against any spanish-held regions in Germany, it would be Holland alone v Spain. No chance for Holland.

Poland is returning the same favour to us. During the French campaign, Italy declared war on Spain, but they're noobs. They're probably bigger noobs than you UK. Before Italy attacked and therefore blocked Spain, Spain striked first in Italy, thus blocking them while we were advancing through France. We kept them blocked day after day alternating attacks on Sardinia-Vall d'Aosta-Piedmont-Lombardy . The problem is that by attacking Italy we activated their Indonesian and Russian mpp's, so once the Italians regained initiative they could use those mpp's to attack us in our French regions. They could, if only they had a border with us. That's why Poland is currently holding the regions of Rhone-Alps and Provence.

Result; Italy has wasted a lot of gold in declaring war to us, lost the hospital and Def.Sys of Piedmont (ransacked by Spain some time ago) and wasted some more gold in having 2 mpp's with Russia and Indonesia, that have proved to be totally useless.

3) Engerland will be victorious!!!


Let's see, you can be attacked by Canada, USA, Spain, Poland, Sweden and Norway (with the Romanian and Greek mpp's that you very "smartly" activated by attacking Norway).

Since you have a lot of mpp's, you can defend a single attack successfully. You cannot possibly defend coordinated attacks by all major powers in EDEN. That's impossible.

Still, you have a chance. London. Your last fortress. The day you are reduced to London, that would be a do or die battle. If you win that battle, you'll probably recover England (supposing you follow a half-decent reconquest strategy). Considering the panic created after what was clearly a fake attack by Poland on S.E England some days ago, in which you raised a wall of 2KK, and wasted a lot money for nothing, I guess your competence can be labelled as dubious.

Now what are your chances for the battle of London?? That depends on other scenarios. If Hungary fears losing Hello Kitty, they'll dump you. If Serbia spots a chance of taking Karnataka, they'll dump you too. Or if there's something more vital to fight for than Engerland and London. Even if nothing else happens, still would be a 50-50 battle, all EDEN v all Phoenix. It's not up to you, you silly english kniiiigitts!! I blow my nose at your so called silly little King Arthur!!
I fart in your general direction!!

Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
